GDC Data Portal 技术调研及 GraphQL 学习实践


+ 项目脚手架(Create-React-App or Other scaffold)
+ 开发语言 ✔️ TypeScript or JavaScript + Flow(Static type checker for JavaScript)
- 项目文件结构规划
+ ESLint(ESLint-TypeScript or TSLint)/ husky / lint-staged / prettier
+ 规范 `commit-message` 
- React App style language 选型 (styled-components ❎ less sass css-in-javascript❎(结构不太好控制,需要把组件拆分的特别好,不然感觉写出来的都是一坨屎))
- 配置 iconfont 项目,之后小的图标直接用 iconfont 维护(可跟设计沟通提供 svg 资源)


Relay - JavaScript framework for building data-driven React Applications
Redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript Apps
Recompose - React utility belt for function components and higher-order components(now we can use react hooks to do these things)::No more new features::
React Hooks Doc - Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8. They let you use state and other React features without writing a class ::Recommend::
Jest - Delightful JavaScript testing
D3 - Data-Driven Documents

Graphql-node 相关
graphql-yoga - Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance & great developer experience
Prisma - Database Tools for modern application development
Graphcool - Open-source and self-hosted backend-as-a-service to develop serverless GraphQL backends. The Graphcool Framework offers an opionated backend setup, including GraphQL database mapping, subscriptions & permission system.
DataLoader - DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application’s data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and catching.

Elasticsearch 相关
Elasticsearch Reference 6.0 - Elasticsearch is a highly scalable open-source full-text search and analytics engine. It allows you to store, search, and analyze big volumes of data quickly and in near real time.
appbaseio/dejavu - The Missing Web UI for Elasticsearch: Import, browse and edit data with rich filters and query views, create search UIs visually.


Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence. Easily sync your GitHub projects with Travis CI and you’ll be testing your code in minutes!

具体的实践及 Demo 开发任务

+ 阅读 [GraphQL]( 官网学习文档,并整理笔记
+ React + Apollo 开发方式实践 (~/Documents/Github/GraphQL/hackernews-react-apollo)
- React + Relay 开发方式实践 【WIP】

1. 配置方便程度:Apollo【easy】— Relay-with typescript【hard】
2. 使用方便程度:
3. 代码可读性:
4. 开发配置流程:

+ 后端实践 GraphQL + Node.js (~/Documents/Github/GraphQL/hackernews-node)
- 整理 protal-ui & portal-graphql 项目架构及细节实现
- elasticsearch 文档阅读


  1. Running Jest Tests Before Each Git Commit 提供了测试的思路,代码提交时对修改的模块相关功能进行测试,这样就可以保证高效性,不会阻塞工作流
  2. The FullStack Tutorial for GraphQL - The free and open-source tutorial to learn all around GraphQL to go from zero to production. 中文文档 但好像更新不及时啊这个中文文档,所以最好还是看英文的
  3. GraphQL-BFF:微服务背景下的前后端数据交互方案
  4. 2019年13大 graphql 库和工具another source
  5. Getting Started with Relay Modern - This is a step-by-step tutorial with the goal of building a simple Instagram application from scratch using create-react-app.
  6. GraphQL server Basics: GraphQL Schemas, TypeDefs & Resolvers Explained
  7. A React based WhatsApp Clone - WhatsApp Clone is a free and open-source tutorial that will guide you step-by-step on how to create a full-stack, mobile, hybrid web application from scratch.


GDC 相关资源

GDC API EndPoints

Communicating with the GDC API involves making calls to API endpoints. Each GDC API endpoint represents specific API functionality, as summarized in the following table:

| Endpoint | Type | Description |
| — | — | — |
| status | Status | Get the API status and version information |
| projects | Search & Retrieval | Search all data generated by a project |
| cases | Search & Retrieval | Find all files related to a specific case, or sample donor |
| files | Search & Retrieval | Find all files related to a specific characteristics such as file_name, md5sum, data_format and others |
| annotations | Search & Retrieval | Search annotations added to data after curation |
| data | Download | Used to download GDC data |
| manifest | Download | Generates manifests for use with GDC Data Transfer Tool |
| slicing | BAM Slicing | Allows remote slicing of BAM format objects |
| submission | Submission | Returns the available resources at the top level above programs i.e., registered programs |


All of the graphql related code has been migrated to arranger - Generate and manage your own genomic data portal.



Short Term

* cli tool for bootstrapping new projects
* Provide all neceaasry modules to implement searching functionality
    * Dynamic GraphQL schema generation
    * API Server (GraphQL endpoint)
    * Query / Aggregation building middleware
    * Response middleware (i.e. removing null aggregations)
    * UI Components
        * Aggregations
            * Simple View
            * Advanced View
        * Results Table
        * SQON Display
* Provide editor interface to expose common transformations (similar to the Babel or bodybuilder REPLs)
    * Elasticsearch Mappings -> GraphQL Schema
    * GraphQL Query -> Elasticsearch Queries

Medium Term

* Authentication
* Sets
* Analysis

Long Term

* Kibana Plugin
* Hosted Data Portal generating service