<译>Custom domains on GitHub Pages gain support for HTTPS

Github Pages 自定义域名获取对 HTTPS 的支持

[原文]Custom domains on GitHub Pages gain support for HTTPS - The GitHub Blog

Today, custom domains on GitHub Pages are gaining support for HTTPS.
如今,GitHub Pages 上的自定义域名正在获得对HTTPS的支持。

Github Pages is the best way to quickly publish beautiful websites for you and your projects. Just edit, push, and your changes are live. GitHub Pages has supported custom domains since 2009, and sites on the *.github.io domain have supported HTTPS since 2016. Today, custom domains on GitHub Pages are gaining support for HTTPS as well, meaning over a million GitHub Pages will be served over HTTPS.
Github Pages 是为您和您的项目快速发布漂亮的网站最好的方式。仅通过编辑、推送,您的修改就上线了。GitHub Pages 自从 2009 年开始支持自定义域名(custom domains),并且从 2016 年让所有的*.github.io 域名支持HTTPS。而现在,Github Pages 上的自定义域名也正在获得对 HTTPS 的支持,意味着超过百万的 Github Pages 将通过 HTTPS 提供服务。

HTTPS(most recognizable as the lock icon in your browser’s address bar) encrypts traffic between Github’s servers and your browser giving you confidence that the page you asked for is the page you’re reading, from the site you think it is, and that others can’t snoop on or modify its contents along the way.

We have partnered with the certificate authority Let’s Encrypt on this project. As supporters of Let’s Encrypt’s mission to make the wen more secure for everyone, we’ve officially become Silver-level sponsors of the initiative.
我们已经与证书颁发机构Let’s Encrypt合作开展此项目。作为Let’s Encrypt的支持者,我们已经正式成为该计划的银级赞助商。

Configuring your domain(配置您的域名)

Action may be required on your part to secure your custom domain.

If you are using CNAME or ALIAS records for your custom domain, you’re all set and your site should be accessible over HTTPS. If it is, and your site loads correctly over HTTPS, you can optionally enforce HTTPS in your repository’s setting. Users who request your site over HTTP will be upgraded to HTTPS.
如果您使用 CNAME 或 ALIAS 记录来保护您的自定义域,您已经准备就绪并且您的网站应该可以通过 HTTPS 访问。如果是这样,并且您的网站通过HTTPS正确加载,您可以在您的版本库设置中选择强制执行HTTPS。通过HTTP请求您的网站的用户将被升级到HTTPS。
域名解析时,记录类型选择 CNAME,记录值直接使用 <your name>.github.io 即可;最后确认 Enforce HTTPS 选框选中。

If you are using A records, you must update your site’s DNS records with new IP addresses. Please see our guide to setting up your custom domain with Pages and update any A records you might have set.

Once your updated DNS records have propagated, and you’ve confirmed that your site loads correctly over HTTPS, you can optionally "Endorce HTTPS" for your domain in your repository’s settings, ensuring users who request your site over HTTP are upgraded to HTTPS.
一旦你更新的 DNS 记录被传播,并且你已经确认你的网站通过 HTTPS 正确加载,你可以在你的Repository的设置中为你的域名选择 “强制执行 HTTPS”,确保通过 HTTP 请求你的网站的用户升级到 HTTPS。

Faster site load times(提升网站加载速度)

These new IP addresses don’t just allow us to serve your site over HTTPS, but also places your site behind a content delivery network(CDN), allowing us to serve your site from data centers around the world at fast speeds, and offering additional protection against DDoS attack. While the previous IP addresses will remain available for a transition period, we recommend you migrate to the new IP addresses to gain these benefits.

HTTPS is immediately available for all Github Pages sites. Learn more in our documentation for the feature. Having trouble? Drop up a line.
所有GitHub Pages网站都可以立即使用HTTPS。在我们的文档中了解更多关于该功能的信息。有问题?请给我们留言。